Promoting those
who promote business

There is a significant part you can play in the future of our shared business environment through your support of our local and regional elected officials and representatives.

And that is by supporting and voting for those election candidates who support business and positive business initiatives. Business PAC of Central Illinois, BizPac, believes that good business equals good jobs.

We feel that finding and supporting those candidates that share our goals and helping them get elected will ensure our long-term success as a vibrant business community. BizPac takes the initiative to research and interview candidates personally to listen and hear their goals and plans if elected to office. We discuss each candidate to determine who we feel will best represent our business interests if elected. We then publicly support those candidates and present financial and campaign resources to them.

It is getting increasingly difficult to find quality people willing to run for an office as there are many professional and personal hurdles and sacrifices one must make to be a modern public elected official. BizPac is committed to finding, developing, supporting and publicizing local candidates that we feel best represent our common business interests.

BizPac is a premier independent, business-focused political action committee focusing on state and local races in the greater Peoria region.

BizPac board members are local business owners and managers.

We need your support. Both financially and at the voting booths. During the next few years, our local elections are going to be key to how we conduct future business in central Illinois and throughout the state. Please consider a financial contribution to BizPac. We are comprised of local business owners and managers that thoughtfully consider each local election and as a group conduct interviews with all candidates in the elections we feel there is necessary support. We receive funds from many companies already, and invest those wisely in supporting candidates that also believe in a vibrant and productive business environment. We will be in touch again communicating those candidates who we will be supporting in upcoming elections and ask for your voting support as well.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please contact any of us on the board and we would be more than happy to discuss our initiatives and plans personally with you. We appreciate your financial investment with us, and are counting on it.

We can make a local difference. Together.


Mission Statement

The Business PAC of Central Illinois (BizPAC) is organized to promote and support candidates and issues at the local and / or state level who support growth policies and practices and a responsive business climate, and who bring leadership and vision to their position resulting in a bright future for the Tri-county area.

The Committee shall also strive to build relationships with existing office holders to improve understanding and support the business community’s interests.


BizPAC Believes In…

Sustainable Government Spending
Transparent Government
Relaxed Regulations
Market Based Solutions
Government Efficiency
Pension Reform
Strengthening Ethics Laws
Strong Public Safety
Competitive Taxes and Fees
Trusting Small Business
Robust Private Sector
An Educated and Skilled Workforce
Limited Government

Strong Business = Strong Community


BizPAC Positions
Sustainable Government Spending- We recognize that a basic level of funding is required to support the necessary services of the government and that inflationary pressures, cost increases and changing conditions may require tax and fee increases. We support the concept that reorganization of priorities and cutting of spending should be carefully considered for budget shortfalls at all levels of government first before tax and fee increases are considered.

We support balanced budgets even if it means making difficult decisions to eliminate spending on certain programs.

Transparent Government- We support policies and procedures which give the public as much access as reasonably possible to information to help them make informed decisions. We believe the government should be proactive in communicating with the community.

Transparency is key to trust in government.

Relaxed Regulations- Appropriate rules and regulations are required but too much bureaucracy stifles growth and slows and discourages business formation and activity. While regulations are often well intentioned, government needs to understand that the cumulative effect of layers of regulations is burdensome to private enterprise. Businesses have incentives in place to build good products, take care of their employees, and make prudent, safe decisions.

We believe in eliminating hurdles to opening and growing business.

Market Based Solutions- Our economy is best served by allowing free and open competition in the marketplace in an environment that encourages business development and expansion. Laws that preclude or give an advantage to one business structure or arrangement over another are not ideal.

Government should not be picking winners and losers.

Government Efficiency- Adopt technology, new approaches, and best practices as drivers of cost reduction. Find creative ways to improve constituent services without increasing costs. Engage the private sector whenever possible.

Reengineer the government to improve services while decreasing costs.

Pension Reform- The private sector long ago shifted from defined benefit to defined contribution plans. Current pensions are obviously not sustainable and threaten the financial solvency of our government and the financial wellbeing of our taxpayers.

Our government must act quickly to ensure we can honor current pension promises while putting in place a solution to ballooning costs.

Strengthening Ethics Laws- Politicians should serve the people and not themselves. Elected positions are not intended to be career positions and the public does not benefit from having entrenched long-serving politicians. Limiting politician pay and benefits will help ensure elected officials don’t make poor legislative decisions to secure an election victory so they can continue drawing a large salary and benefits.

Our lawmakers should have strict and enforceable ethics laws which ensure they are acting in the public’s best interest.

Strong Public Safety- A primary role of government is to protect people and property. Our public safety employees should have the ability to carry out their jobs and address safety issues like crime and homelessness. We have limited resources and so our public safety departments should look to be as efficient as possible and identify solutions worthy of funding and we should not simply fund employee headcount.

A safe community is one that attracts new businesses and jobs.

Competitive Taxes and Fees- Businesses pass taxes and fees onto their consumers which increases the cost of doing business and the cost of living. We live in a global economy. To be competitive, our businesses and government must have a competitive cost structure. High taxes are bad for business and bad for consumers. Government spending must be adjusted when necessary to keep taxes competitive.

We believe fundamentally that our local and state government should be able to deliver similar services as other governments across the country at similar costs.

Trusting Small Business- We oppose unnecessary intrusions into employer and employee relationships. This includes opposing policies that prevent a business from exercising their own financial interests or internal policies. Business owners are trustworthy and do their best to balance the needs of their business with the needs of their employees.

We support voluntary agreements between management and the workforce establishing compensation, benefits, hours, and working conditions.

A Robust Private Sector- Private sector job creation is preferred over government job creation. Government spending is a reallocation of resources from an efficient private sector to government which is generally less efficient at getting results than the private sector.

Having a robust and thriving private sector creates wealth and opportunities for all.

Educated and Skilled Workforce- Our education system should provide well-rounded services and programs to give students the opportunity to reach their best potential as adults. Parents are integral in making decisions and supporting their child’s education. Parents should have choices for where to send their child to school and funding should follow the child instead of the school district where the child resides.

Our education system should provide students with the opportunity to succeed in life.

Limited Government- The government raises revenue through obligatory taxes and fees. These funds should be used for the benefit of the people and not the government, its employees, or a select group of people.

Whenever government takes money from a free people it should do so when taxpayers overwhelmingly consent to the endeavor.



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